Saturday, October 6, 2007

Here I Come

Honybee correct

I finally made it to the Bee & Honeycomb section! I've really been looking forward to this part of the stole. That was until I was taking pictures. I won't post the ugliness here. I couldn't do that to the others. Right now, I'm just going to assume that no one will ever notice. Now if I can just keep my mouth shut...

Just a little while longer & then I can move onto Part 2!


annmarie said...

I think that's the operative phrase ('if I can just keep my mouth shut') - most of the time what we see as really glaring mistakes in our knitting no one else even notices! What compels us even to point them out in the first place?? ;)

annmarie said...

And, for what it's worth, I think it's looking beautiful! :)