Thursday, August 2, 2007

bees are the new celeb of the insect world!

After an evening of work on the shawl, I picked up the most recent issue of the New Yorker, and lo and behold, an article on bees and beekeeping (and a possible bee immuno-deficiency disorder)!

Bees are definitely the new Paris Hilton.


annmarie said...

if you haven't noticed by now, I've got a bit of a thing for bees. ;) On the sidebar is a category called 'the buzz on bees' and I've put a link to a NYTimes article on bee colony collapse disorder.

Unknown said...

special? of course, I always knew it. But "the new Paris Hilton?" WHEEEEEE!!!!! ;~D

~ hb33, who also has a "bit of a thing" for bees ~